Work experience
Worplace projects of past.
In TLearn, I was a site administrator. I helped to set up the different pages, worked as user support to the active courses and helped to improve the overall design and efficiency of the Learning Management System(LMS).
I became very proficient in Articulate 360 using both Storyline and Rise to build eLearning courses.
The main project for my placement was in the building of both the Mentor and Mentee training programme eLearning courses. These courses will be used to train the staff of Teagasc for the coming years.
Throughout my placement, I learned an abundance of information on eLearning and Learning Management Systems(LMS). I also gained the valuable experience of working in a large organisation.
In 2020, I completed a seven-month placement in Teagasc, primarily helping to set up the online learning platform called TLearn.